FORT COLLINS, CO, Dec. 13 – Lifestyle Asset Group (LAG), a leading luxury real estate investment company, is providing “collective asset ownership” as an affordable and debt-free way to own multi-million-dollar properties. Investors can enjoy partial ownership of properties without the common pitfalls of traditional fractional ownership, resulting in sound investments with the potential for stronger returns.
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NYT: Luxury Homes Are a Safe Investment
Have wavering markets caused you to consider investing in the luxury real estate market this year? You’re not the only one, according to Kerry Hannon of The New York Times. “Many high net worth investors are plunking cash in a second or third high end residence as a safety net, stemming from concern about a wide range of
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Forbes: Regular Travel Is Really Good for You
It’s something most people instinctively know: Travel is fun. Now comes the news, however, that travel is extraordinarily beneficial. Taking time to get away from “normal” life is good for body and soul. However, planning for those family vacations can be a hassle. Short, getaway trips to relax and rejuvenate often lose out to long weekends of “doing nothing”
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7 Reasons: Our Model Beats Clubs Like Inspirato
Investing in a vacation home through fractional ownership should be just that…a sound investment first. Yes, the locations and properties matter. But if your top priority is smart investing, then Lifestyle Asset Group’s collective asset ownership of multiple properties is the most straightforward and risk-averse model. Since the concept debuted years ago, a number of...
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Everyone Can Be a Kid on Seabrook Island
Nature, water and beaches – who doesn’t love all three? There are some amazing beaches on Seabrook Island, and activities as varied as crabbing, horseback riding, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, bike riding, salt marshes and places to picnic. Enough? A vacation in this enchanted locale can satisfy your need for recreation and for rejuvenation, as well as...
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